BadBehavior 1.2 Release Candidate 1

Time to update our Bad Behavior plugin. The RC1 is out and I’ve installed it on this blog - so far it works as usual as it can be. If anybody has problems to post comments, please contact me via email.

  • Bad Behavior now has whitelisting capability. Edit the file bad-behavior-whitelist.php to add any IP address ranges or user agents you need to whitelist for your particular site. (Note that search engine bots should not be whitelisted by user agent, but by IP address range, because spammers pretend to be search engine bots. Bad Behavior already passes all major search engine bots which behave properly.)
  • The specific reason for blocking is now logged in the database. This will help in determining whether new robots should be blocked by Bad Behavior or not.
  • Several additional spammers have been identified and blocked in this release.
  • Bad Behavior now sends copies of spam received automatically for use in Bad Behavior Blackhole. If you don’t want copies of your spam sent in, edit bad-behavior-blackhole.php.

There’s been already 8 comments which found its way to the moderation queue. I deactivated BadBehavior and wrote Michael an email…

[via BasicThinking, IOError]

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