Who destroyed my Flickr account?

What the hell? I am not able to log into my Flickr account anymore. The error message tells me that “This person is no longer active on Flickr.”, but I want to be active and plan to continue to use Flickr. Originally, I signed up with my Yahoo ID, but never had a problem until today. I entered the password and my email address that I use for these services, and suddenly I was prompted the message to choose my new Flickr name. So, why should I choose a new name if my old one was quite fine and wonderful?

I still got the confirmation email for my Flickr account, and all the wonderful memories of uploading my nifty screenshots… so listen, Flickr! Give me my account back. Or this could turn out to become some wrong marketing for you and your big mother Yahoo.

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1 Antwort to “Who destroyed my Flickr account?”

  1. 1 Telagon Sichelputzer » Flickr gives me reason for treason! Pingback on Dec 8th, 2005 at 11:47
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