
Chad Kroski - The Second Coming

As mentioned before, Chad Kroski is a marketing idea for the “Web’n'Walk” campaign by Germany’s largest telecommunication company Telekom. But after last weekened they’ve pulled quite the legal stunts against people who’ve been trying to have some fun with domains such as or As reported by the Werbeblogger, the company announced to mark the domains for deletition and take over the domains (which has happened with the german top-level domain already). Chad Kroski is meant to die since the fictional author created his own existence through various weblogs and websites. This poor attempt to restore law and order by showing muscles of corporate ordnung will not help the subsidiary T-Mobile to push their seemingly useless products off from the independent Citizen-Media. A small link compendium on Chad Kroski can be found on the Mediengestalter Weblog .

Nevertheless, while the girl from the Chad Kroski spot seems to be a fan of Soulmelon (she wears one button-sticker), the entire band and their flashy homepage seem to be nothing else but another marketing gag. The sources of the documents hint to, and it looks obvious that this marketing company pulled the stunt. Fakeism and viral marketing is quite the issue for Germany’s media companies. Tough luck for me.

Updates for further reading
Who the hell is Chad Kroski?
Chad, oh Chad…

[via Werbeblogger]

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