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Opera 8.5 as FREE Download

From today on, Opera will be free to use without their advertisement banners. The alternative to both Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer comes along with tools and functions such as Small-Screen-Rendering, Pop-Up-Blocker, Tabbed-Browsing, Download-Manager, E-Mail-Client, RSS-Reader and a Chat-Programm. There you go, this is a step ahead for the Norwegian company. I consider free software as an essential for the web, and without advertising their free software, a company in our modern world will probably be unable to survive for the longer.

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1 Kommentar

  1. Opera 8.50 ohne Werbebanner

    Was erreicht da meine Augen: eine kleine Sensation, wenn auch nicht verwunderlich und längst überfällig.
    Der norwegische Konkurrenzbrowser Opera in der neusten Version 8.50 ist nun ab sofort kostenlos und ohne Werbebanner angeboten!
    Damit reagiert…