Posting #100
I made it to have 100 posts in my journal here and its still counting! Currently the length of my hair reached that phase where its better to let it grow longer or cut it back to a shorter state. And since my girlfriend told me she’d like to see me with shorter hair, I guess I’m going to give in and yes - I will go to the hairdresser within the next 45 minutes. Its dark outside and I’m enjoying a homeworker show on TV. They documented a flat-sharing community as they renovated their appartment with several cool things including a complete homemade bar.
Once I find a larger appartment, I’m surely going to invest my time for a bar-room, too. So far my planning includes a few standards like the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and livingroom, and the third room will be a office working area. Originally I thought to concept a lounge, but if I make it to a stylish lounge-bar with a chillout-area, many people will probably become green with envy!
Current Mood: Happy
Currently Playing: TV - ProSieben - S.O.S Style & Home

Well I mean you could get a “playroom” every time as welll….;-)
Oh´ Sorry! I don´t can speak english! Because of this, I won´t to talk in duch,…
kiffen, kiffen, kiffen! you understand?
Errr Jonas, I don’t really get your crap!!!!