Telagon Sichelputzer

Live-Blog: Keeping up on the track…

So far I’ve been able to write four separate entries about this weekend’s Marketing Seminar which can be viewed by following the links below - all in german.

1. Startphase
2. Unser Marketingplan?
3. Planlosigkeit oder Glucksen
4. Mit Angie wird alles besser

Actually, the entire seminar seems to be quite long lasting and complex within the environment of Philip Kotler’s book on Principes of Marketing, but in the end I’ve been able to read through all necessary material at home. I’m well prepared for the whole seminar, and I’ve got one positive issue concerning my laptop: It’s recharging with my own cable and PSU! Why does this thing behave strangely once I’m at home, but not here at university? It loves me, it hates me - it’s a vicious circle I believe… but I’ll better check up with the presentation now which is identical to the book. I guess our professor is using the “made by Kotler” powerpoint presentations to save his own workload ;)

Kategorien: Events