Chad, oh Chad…

Now you’re back alive with a fancy website, but none of your works are for real. I hate to say this but you’ve been thrown apart from your throne of an overall failed Marketing Reel.

Do you think this life is worth it, being a bestseller author without any books on Amazon? I suggest a much better pre-planning which includes the possibilities of developping an alter-ego on the internet… that took several weeks to pull that (legal) stunt! The website looks nice tho, but has no personal value… and a shop-link to the Telekom! Fight them, Chad Kroski, you should not listen to your demons! ;)

Updates for further reading
Who the hell is Chad Kroski?
Chad Kroski - The Second Coming

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1 Antwort zu “Chad, oh Chad…”

  1. 1 Telagon Sichelputzer » Who the hell is Chad Kroski? Pingback on Aug 23rd, 2005 at 11:11
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