Quite a nice tidbit to know that the german version of Google’s G-Mail has now been re-named into “Google Mail”. Background to this kind of change is a ligitation in german law relating to the use of names. The phrase “G-Mail” is obtained as reserved name by Daniel Giersch (Giersch-Mail) prior to the introduction of Google’s mail service. Besides this, anybody who needs an invitation - I may distribute yet another 50 accounts for free. ;)
Themen: Rechtliches. 10.05.2005, 21:20
Stichwörter: Gmail, Google, Google Mail, Law, Markenrecht, Recht, Streit

2 Antworten zu ““Google Mail” known as german G-Mail”
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seems you quite handy on blogspirit or blogging things..
do they have mailing list here in blogspirit except the rss? since not all my friends know about rss
Dear Chris,
as far as I know, there’s no current email function to inform others about the recent updates of your blog. Instead, the most accurate and easy way is to use the RSS feed technology. If your friends can’t get used with RSS, you might wish to give them some sort of introduction. I use “RSS OWL” (google for it) as feed reader to get all my RSS feeds. However, you could make your own mass-mails and inform your friends about new things - but don’t let it become spam ;)
Best regards,