Blog-Designer Database
Those who want it, those who need it:
Hugh MacLeod and Alistair Shrimpton have created this new central database for blog-designers as a wiki. And no fear, they allow those who design websites professionally to be added to the list.
People are always asking the both of us, “Where can I find a good blog designer?” We thought it was time to come up with an easy-to-use solution that anybody on the planet could make good use of. If you know anyone who qualifies, please spread the word. Thanks.
I remember there’s been some similiar attempt by the Design Directory which covers almost every kind of design and not just blogs. On the other hand, why searching for a good designer if you can’t create a design on your own? Okay, that’s a company problem and hardly the problem of individual blog authors… ;)
[via ProBlogger]
it’s nicer to design your own weblog, right? coz if you ask someone else to design your weblog then you have to link her or him back. If someone designs her/his own blog s/he also learns something. Maybe they can design their own weblogs but they are just lazy to do that? :D
It depends if someone is skilled enough to handle i.e. Photoshop. But I guess the aim of Hugh and Alistair is to keep track of the media agencies.
Some more thought on this: Since it’s based as a wiki, anybody can edit the design database. I guess that the masses of those who use it will not tolerate the individual “little user” who is quite happy with his “design skills” - for example myself, yourself, and the tree over there. If the “little user” adds himself/herself to the list, the others will most likely kill it off - because the “little user” isn’t some sort of a real professional or simply a media agency with a ton of references.