Telagon Sichelputzer

Blog-Designer Database

Those who want it, those who need it:
Hugh MacLeod and Alistair Shrimpton have created this new central database for blog-designers as a wiki. And no fear, they allow those who design websites professionally to be added to the list.

People are always asking the both of us, “Where can I find a good blog designer?” We thought it was time to come up with an easy-to-use solution that anybody on the planet could make good use of. If you know anyone who qualifies, please spread the word. Thanks.

I remember there’s been some similiar attempt by the Design Directory which covers almost every kind of design and not just blogs. On the other hand, why searching for a good designer if you can’t create a design on your own? Okay, that’s a company problem and hardly the problem of individual blog authors… ;)

[via ProBlogger]

Kategorien: Blogkultur, Design
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2 Kommentare

  1. it’s nicer to design your own weblog, right? coz if you ask someone else to design your weblog then you have to link her or him back. If someone designs her/his own blog s/he also learns something. Maybe they can design their own weblogs but they are just lazy to do that? :D

  2. It depends if someone is skilled enough to handle i.e. Photoshop. But I guess the aim of Hugh and Alistair is to keep track of the media agencies.

    Some more thought on this: Since it’s based as a wiki, anybody can edit the design database. I guess that the masses of those who use it will not tolerate the individual “little user” who is quite happy with his “design skills” - for example myself, yourself, and the tree over there. If the “little user” adds himself/herself to the list, the others will most likely kill it off - because the “little user” isn’t some sort of a real professional or simply a media agency with a ton of references.