Google Censorship
Again, the Googleopus is about to censor its content in order to comply with the Chinese government. Sign the Open Letter to Google and show that human rights should not be judged upon comparing sales and marketing numbers against a billion people!
However, for an entrepreneurship like the Google company, the idea of participating in the chinese market is absolutely valuable! Without conforming to the local settings and the laws of China, a chance of establishing a potential position on the chinese market is impossible. German blog author Johnny “Schnuckilein” Haeusler explained that we should not ask Google for censoring the people of China, but instead that Google should not expand and act on the chinese market at all!

This blog post might be of interest to you. It does not contain much about google china, but a few hints about it:
danke für die Erwähnung des “Offenen Briefes an Google” in Deinem Blog. Das hilft der Aktion, möglichst viele Beiträge zusammenzustellen, die Google dann auch erhalten wird. Versprochen!
Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz, Alexander