Against Comment Spam

In addition to my suggestion concerning the Comments being predefined by your personal Accountinformation, I have to add the following idea: As we all know the possibilities of Comment-Spam found on several blogs throughout the net, its usually a reason of the common Trackback-Ping functionality. To avoid this, a Proof-Code generated by an image should be entered once a user is no officially registered user (or currently not logged in to Blogspirit). Even if there is no Trackback-Ping activated on Blogspirit, its a useful tool to limit the exploitation of the blogs through “lifeless annoyances”.

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Mein Name ist Mike Schnoor und ich präsentiere dem frivolen Internetuser ein erstklassig privat geführtes Medienblog. Die Themen siedeln sich zentral in der Medienwelt an: Web 2.0, Weblogs, Video on Demand, TV, Radio, Print, Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.

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