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14. August 2005, 22:04 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
Especially while watching a love-movie, there’s always emotion involved. I just found this piece of miniature-lore once somewhere in my mind, and it basically sums up the thoughts I’m currently enthralled with:
A romance is an imaginative story full of love and adventure.
But beyond the wonders of love and adventure, it is not just an imagination. It’s the miraclousness of a real relationship. And instead of reflecting only one view on only the romantic moments, for me it is a combination of both good and bad moments. Without either side, the romance would not have this special flavour that makes it unique. Now I’m facing the other side - being all alone with all these feelings… This experience is a powerful one. Not sure whether I’ll be sad or happy.
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23. April 2005, 09:50 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Management, Unicum Akademie, Philosophy Corner
Due to the fact that certain lectors begin to introduce Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions in a few courses this term, I remembered something from my Intercultural Communication’s course last semester. Here’s a small perspective concerning Hofstede’s dimensions of culture as excerpt from an email conversation with my lector James of the IC course, and I believe it might become a quite valuable note (for myself and whoever likes to adopt this idea) for future development:
Hofstede is controversial. Some people think he is right (especially people who do marketing). I think that both his methodology and his conclusions are grossly wrong. I also give reasons for this in some of my classes. The only thing I like about him is some of his terminology.
You will have to get used to the idea that some [people] can have extremely different opinions.
It’s not necessarily wrong to introduce Hofstede (even if you then reject his ideas). My own current approach is to introduce the general idea of a dimension (and criticise it), and then present a combination of Hofstede’s and Trompenaars’ dimensions as “useful words”. As words they are useful, as dimensions not (IMHO).
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5. März 2005, 18:40 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
To perform their acts in courage and determination of your personal code, all of us are aware of some darker side within ourselves and others. We are aware of the ways of good and evil. The good one as seen in light, and the evil one as seen in dark.
In our modern world, people may never ignore themselves and their enemies - enemies of nature, enemies of society, enemies of small problems, any kind of enemies. However, you may not ignore yourself and your own mistakes and errors. Instead, you must learn from them and realize what you have been doing to gain an awareness to prevent such cause of failures again. Not that it is unavoidable to fail, but it is limiting the chances once you adapt the known knowledge with the unknown one.
To overcome ignorance grants knowledge. Knowledge of all sides of the matters. You see the knowledge, you know it - and you will be able to commit yourself to be able to create peace while knowing your emotions including both good and evil ones. Ignorance is not a bliss.
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5. März 2005, 18:20 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
In contrast to history, modern society has included the full rights and acknowledgement of the disabled or handicapped people. The most striking concept to accept and understand these equal members of society can be seen in these paragdims:
1. Don’t use demeaning terminology in dealing with those who have a handicap.
2. Do not help people with a handicap in a deferential manner.
3. Treat people with a handicap in a normal way.
4. Let people with a handicap do things for themselves.
5. Don’t lecture people with a handicap on how they ought to be unless you really know how they are.
6. Put your evaluation priorities on something higher than a physical disability.
7. A person’s personality, character, spiritual acumen, and mental ability are all of more importance than physical prowess.
8. A person with a handicap is first of all a “person” and needs to be defined that way rather than by a deficiency.
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5. März 2005, 18:05 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
Ignorance is usually seen as a trait of the people who rather prefer to accept things as they are than changing their world. The simple acceptance often results in blind fools who follow a strong lead. Such ignorance can be a bliss for the people who dominate the ignorant ones. Its not a strength of character, but more of a failure. But a strength of a character is among other criteria the knowledge itself.
What knowledge is will be certainly defined in the next issue, however I want to explain why ignorance leads to failure in reflection of historical events.
Seen historically, the condition of being disabled by nature or accidents has often been viewed as tragic. However, long ago in pre-industrial times, people with disabilities were often not allowed to support themselves or their families. Instead they were seen as social dependents, objects of pity, or in other words a kind of recipients of charity. Through such utmost ignorance and fear of others, of these disabled people, many disabled people typically were seen as beggars or indigents. The terminology of “having a handicap” itself is said to derive from “cap in hand”. It is revealed as a posture often associated with panhandling.
In early America of the 19th century, society assumed a paternalistic approach toward people with disabilities. A common problem for people with disabilities was a seperation from society in asylums, hospitals, and state schools. Disabled were seen as patients or clients who needed curing with usually no real effect to enhance the life of the disabled. In these institutions, medical professionals and social workers were considered the primary decision-makers, rather than the people with disabilities themselves.
A system with an effect of excluding people with disabilities from the larger society was established. The assumption that people with disabilities needed to be rehabilitated from their “problems” was usually commonized by people with disabilities in any event. An implied perception of something that was inherently and permanently wrong with them made its way to their minds, and the minds of the whole populace. No room for integration, and later no allowed right for the perpetuation of myths regarding disability and inequality became truth.
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5. März 2005, 17:34 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
A human being is a complex creation. To gain a state of control and to handle and most importantly to reason its actions and reactions, each human being has developed its own spectra of emotions which are revealed every moment in their life.
An Emotional Response is the reaction of the body to a situation primarily given by an outer influence such as other individuals, groups, things or entities. But the Emotional Response is only one variant of this spectra of emotions. Emotional Responses consist out of two known procedures called “Grief” and “Stress Reaction”. In terms of psychology, an Emotional Response is not a psychiatric disorder or depression.
Definition: Grief is defined through a common, intense and painful reaction to loss, death of a loved one, family member or friend.
Symptoms: The symptoms generally occur immediately, or maybe one month after and up to one year from the time of loss: Numbness, Loneliness, Sadness, Guilt, Shock, Anxiety, Anger, Agitation, Crying, Insomnia, Restlessness, Withdrawal.
Treatment: People may talk about and share feelings with the person, and they must tolerate emotions. To allow enough time to pass this situation is important, and an occasional counseling will overcome this situation. Sometimes a symptomatic or brief use of medication is necessary, too.
Stress Reaction
Definition: A Stress Reaction is known as the “normal” reaction to a disaster, trauma or highly stressful life event.
Symptoms: The symptoms occur immediately after the event and may continue for a period of time, too: Disbelief and shock, Irritability and anger, Sadness, Feeling powerless, Feeling indecisive, Crying, Headaches or stomach problems, Difficulty sleeping.
Treatment: One must alleviate emotional distress, and be able to promote problem-solving techniques in order to help the person. When the individual gains comfortable feelings, it should continue to get back into “usual routine”. However, to seek counseling is helping, too.
Another form of an Emotional Response is a rather understandable method of reacting to an influence to the individual. For example, various colors evoke certain reactions in viewers. Nevertheless these reactions are culturally specific. Nearly in most western countries, brides often wear a white gown as a symbol for purity and widows wear black as a symbol of their sorrow and mourning. However brides wear black in many asian cultures. Colors seen as influence to the individual are leading to a response of the individual, which is known as Emotional Response. The individual who is experiencing the color will be in a moment of pertained emotion. It may be excitable or sensational in a personal defined degree as an emotional nature will lead to a reaction to the input given. The following list will give general examples for the most known colors:
Red - danger, stop, negative, excitement, hot
Dark Blue - stable, calming, trustworthy, mature
Light Blue - youthful, masculine, cool
Green - growth, positive, organic, go, comforting
White - pure, clean, honest
Black - serious, heavy, death
Gray - integrity, neutral, cool, mature
Brown - wholesome, organic, unpretentious
Yellow - emotional, positive, caution
Gold - conservative, stable, elegant
Orange - emotional, positive, organic
Purple - youthful, contemporary, royal
Pink - youthful, feminine, warm
Pastels - youthful, soft, feminine, sensitive
Metallic - elegant, lasting, wealthy
Even today, I lack to see a realistically drawn Emotional Response in movies, books or theatre as how it is described in detail through psychiatry. I beg to differ that any author of major scope has been able to represent the state of deepest “Grief” or “Stress Reaction” to a reader, except scientific reports or documentations concerning patients and their behavior under psychiatric and medical treatment. Nevertheless, an Emotional Response on the level of sudden input requiring a sudden output is seen in almost every movie or book. As an audience requires interesting stories, most authors prefer to include common behavior and expand this situation to fit the circumstances of an Emotional Response. A main character may react differently to the set situation as the audience would. The author will achieve the interesting moments which concerns with the audience’s own personal situation, while the audience itself is allowed to understand its own mistakes or the faults of the main character as a lecture to the individual.
As you can see, the understanding of an Emotional Response requires a definition of the terminology. To expand this in most details is fairly possible, but would completely out-leap the given task to compile a small summary. I do not believe the outcome of a situation is important, to where things could have been handled better as they have failed or been a failure itself. Compared to the result, the lecture drawn from the result is the most important key to understand. In my experience, there is no movie, book or anything else that is comparable to my personal expectations to an Emotional Response. The ways of “Grief” and “Stress Reaction” are too complex to manifest within a story, and the original input-output setting of an Emotional Response is fairly legit but usually done incomplete to grant me resolve.
In concern of my personal acting, an emotional response drawn by most individuals is not necessarily compatible to me. I have learned that emotions are functional. Emotions can range from a silence hymn to an outburst of rage. To cover these personal feelings, its Emotional Responses and emotions in general means to understand me, and react with more control than other beings may do in their life.
Most people cannot conduct nor want to understand this as I proclaim myself as an emotional soothed being while acting with others. As one has created an understanding my personal Code, the thin line will be created from “no emotion” to be full of emotions as the key towards emotional existence is peace. Peace itself is known to be a state of tranquility or quiet. This peace may be the result of freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions, and a state of harmony in personal relations. Why am I able to do this, act in this way, and be it? Because I choose to, and because I am. But even if there is a moment of achievement through this objective ability, I know that I do indeed fail. It is the way I choose.
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19. Februar 2005, 11:10 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
From my understanding of life, I have gathered my very personal key to unlock the peace that I wish to achieve through my doings and undoing, too. To find one who meets my expectations of being able to achieve “great things” through peace, I wish to explain briefly how I rate peace. To accomplish this, I will give an excerpt from some of my summarized work:
Peace itself is known to be a state of tranquility or quiet. The results are freedom from civil disturbance or a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom. Throughout this, peace concludes in a state or period of mutual concord between governments or a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity. But concerning a personal code, to be at peace means a state of concord or tranquility, peace may be the result of freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions, and a state of harmony in personal relations.
However, peace is sometimes a departing pleasure. These departing pleasures can be appearing nightmares. While important things die out, the unimportant ones will continue to exist. Is peace important for all?
Not for all, as you have seen in the struggle of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. The Dalai Lama is the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He was rewarded for his efforts through the international Nobel Peace Price. Persuaded by Chinese Forces, he went to exile in 1959. His efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to Sino-Tibetan conflict were thwarted by Beijing’s ruthless policy in Eastern Tibet, which ignited a popular uprising and resistance. This resistance movement spread to other parts of the country. Many years after, on October 9th 1991, he said the following: “I am extremely anxious that, in this explosive situation, violence may break out. I want to do what I can to prevent this…. My visit would be a new opportunity to promote understanding and create a basis for a negotiated solution.” Even if he is considered as one of the most well-known people of our modern civilization, the Dalai Lama is only a simple Buddhist monk. He is not only, but indeed follows the life of Buddhist monk. Living in a small cottage in Dharamsala, he rises at 4 am to meditate, pursues an ongoing schedule of administrative meetings, private audiences and religious teachings and ceremonies. He concludes each day with further prayer before retiring. In explaining his greatest sources of inspiration, he often cites a favorite verse, found in the writings of the renowned eighth century Buddhist saint Shantideva:
For as long as space endures
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I too abide
To dispel the misery of the world.
Tags: Dalai-Lama, Existence, Nightmare, Peace
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19. Februar 2005, 11:05 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
Before I will speak about examples on how a small glimpse of my daily life would appear to be, I want to clarify that I do not set my life within a schedule or its parameters. I certainly like to follow some order, but do not revise my daily habits or even life’s special events under such generalizing rule just to have a schedule that keeps myself a day, week or a month busy.
Instead, I live for the moment - I live for the now. But why and how can you do this in our modern world? Yes, we face the outburst of civilization all day. All of us who are here use already a part of this civilization - its digital revolution called “internet”. I do not want to emerge upon the internet itself and how it changes or affects people, but instead I will link this towards our daily life of course. So what happens with all of us?
Once you are born as a member of a society, you have to learn about it and do your best to understand the society. You grow up through an educational process while your body is being prepared naturally for breeding and reproduction. Then you will see through your intelligent mind that all of our world and certainly the society in which you live is being bend together as i.e. technology, ethics and politics or any other things merge together to create a huge apparatus that controls more or less our lives. We have to work to earn money, which we can spend on food, clothes or fuel to drive the car to our work, or buy a bike to cycle to the gym to keep our body in shape… and much more. But the key is that all things that are being bend are meant to be broken.
To abolish or defame our societies is not imperative to the subject of this escape from that reality in which we apparently see ourselves. Instead, the act of breaking a bend is not destructive, but a way of personal escape. As you break, you emerge from the situation and find your path in a new center if situation demands such act. I personally achieve a break as I allow my mind to be set free to think whatever its free will wants to think, while I subjugate still to society’s means. As I’d break apart from society, I would be left alone as an outcast, and an outcast has per nature’s rule no chance of survival - and still prefer to survive than running into the daggers of my own backstabbing.
That may explain why I allow to break out and escape in my mind. There I can live for the moment - as I can live for the now. On top of this, it is not a withdrawal from society but only an alternative path chosen by the individual. The moment itself grants me permission to think and use my free will in my mind, while we all know that the pure free will is revoked by any society that provides its members with laws and order.
This interlude shall be used as if you see through a lens while reading the following excerpt about my daily habits and my daily life. Me and my day at best:
House-Work: Once or twice in the week my time is consumed with this ravish exhaustion of my mind and body. Cleaning my home is important for me, as it will grant me a freshly renewed base to let my thoughts dwell on other things while I am here. It includes all kinds of work while I do certain things more often in a week such as doing the dishes of course. I have no hard feelings while vacuum cleaning, as I see it as a must. Same goes for cleaning the bathroom or kitchen, or any other part of my living center called home. Unfortunately, this kind of work is limited due to the amount of other work
Money-Work: Living without money is not a near possibility, I sometimes earn money through my skills and mind as a programmer and webdesigner. It is a must, as it will give me money - if ever. But I’d rather prefer to do something else than that, if money and status would not rule the world, I would rather prefer to work as a lecturer for Media-Culture.
Work in: Entertainment is a must for the mind. Through this, I read, I write - and yes, I am an artist. However, I have no difficulty to go out on a Saturday night to the clubs where I meet people, friends and new faces. Last year I went out five times a week, by now its only once or twice. Saves money, saves prestige, and it saves your health. Sometimes I walk with my dog once I take her off my parent’s house, I love to be outside in summertime and prefer to sit inside with lots of candles in the winter. All adds the welcomed spice to life - without it, its tasteless.
Resume: I do not get tired at my exhibits, instead I am eager to face the next phase of my future while I celebrate each moment of it. Anything else might be of no use to present it here as this can be summed up in two ways - twisted desire that fascinates for the moment vs. tedious habit that grew up from society’s expectations. And what would I do without this woman?
Tags: Culture, Life, Modern, Society, Work
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12. Januar 2005, 16:13 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
Heute ergänze ich ein wenig Sozialkritik zu meinem Sammelsurium des egomanischen Wissenschatzes. Ich war von einem Blogbeitrag der Seriellen Monogamie bei Aplo inspiriert. Achim stellt eine These auf, die unter modernen Aspekten nach der grundsätzlichen kulturellen Errungenschaft der Liebe schreit:
Gibt es nur noch die LebensABSCHNITTSgefährten oder darf noch an die große Liebe geglaubt werden?
Ich behaupte, dass Liebe als Momentaufnahme unserer Kultur nicht nur relativ ist, sondern in speziellen Fällen eine gewisse Gradwanderung des Daseins darstellt. Liebe ist durch ihre Einfachheit mit Hang zu einer unglaublichen Komplexität einfach einzigartig und unwiederbringbar, aber gleichzeitig unwiderruflich in ihrer Originalität und Ausdrucksweise. Eine Liebe läßt sich nicht durch eine andere ersetzen, da die persönliche Auffassung der Liebe den Eindruck von Liebe in jedem Menschen individualisiert in das Gedächtnis brennt. Wäre der Mensch so einfach ersetzbar, befänden wir uns nicht nur im Konjunktiv, sondern ebenfalls in “A Brave New World” bzw. anderen fiktionalen Utopia Welten.
Ist dem so, dass ein geliebter Partner nicht als Lebenspartner/Liebespartner, dafür aber kunstvoll und sozialkritisch korrekt als Lebens’Abschnitts’partner (LAP) bezeichnet wird, steht der Liebe in dieser Beziehung ein kraftvoller Einwand entgegen. Freimütig als Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl verstanden, ist genau dieser Zaunpfahl durch den Begriff des LAP bei allen teilnehmenden LAP-Beziehungskistlern rektal eingeführt, um die Beziehung der Partnerschaft zu verziehen und verzerren. Marilyn Monroe sagte einst “After you get what you want, you don’t want it.” Ein LAP verflüchtigt sich viel schneller als ein handelsüblicher Lebens- oder Liebespartner, da eine Portionierung des LAP für jeden Jäger und Sammler ein Lockruf zu neuem darstellt. Aber ist die Partnerschaft und Liebe vereinbar? Frei nach der Achterbahn der Partnerschaft von Pfarrer Harald Klöpper möchte ich den Begriff einer Partnerschaft klarstellen. Weitere thematische Aspekte zu anfänglichen Rauschgefühlen und dem Erreichen eines toten Punktes mit Trennungsfolge sind ebenfalls in interessanter Schreibweise in dem Artikel hinterlegt.
Eine Partnerschaft ist die Beziehung zwischen einzelnen Menschen oder organisierten Gruppen. Die beiden Voraussetzungen sind: Die Partner sind mündig; und sie sind verschieden. Ein wichtiges Ziel dabei ist, etwas zu tun oder zu erreichen, wozu ein Partner alleine nicht in der Lage wäre. Dabei sind die Partner gleichwertig, gleichberechtigt, auf einander angewiesen und fair zueinander.
Liebe ist kein kulturelles Ereignis zwischen zwei (oder mehreren?) Menschen, sondern das essentielle und besondere an einer Partnerschaft. Wie auch die Partnerschaft eine Kooperation voraussetzt, bedingt die Liebe in der Partnerschaft den Rauschzustand, der eine Liebespartnerschaft und das Verliebtsein so speziell für uns alle machen. Gebe es das eine ohne das andere, findet man keinen Halt weder in dem Rausch noch in dem Miteinander. Und wer von uns möchte eine Liebespartnerschaft nicht er-Leben?
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7. Januar 2005, 14:20 Uhr von Mike Schnoor in Philosophy Corner
Several people express themselves through the past, presence and/or future in respect to their daily life and possibilities for a tomorrow. Certain cultures and individuals respect the past as a way on how to learn and to be educated in order to avoid mistakes and errors or to achieve a progress and advancement. Another group has no true bond to the past nor future as they strive for survival in our modern world without looking back at their past or consideration of the future. The third group is represented by those who are aware of the past (especially their own past), the actual and most present situation, yet prefer to create a future by stepping ahead of the commonly known sphere of existence into a state of art which enables them to see beyond the situation, to find a solution that is nearly impossible to be found by the others.
For myself, I have decided to build up three phases in order to create my own personal future planning. At the first step, I create my goals which are usually centered around the now and nearer then. However, these goals are not limiting myself in my actions and activity, but only to support and serve as a base for focus. Therefore, these goals may change as time progresses. The goals are tightly created, shortly knitted together and serve as the first set of steps towards the following phases, and there are plenty of goals within a human being’s life. A second phase is found within the motives for life with and within the current society. While the goals provide a foundation to create and maintain order, the motives give the essence to counter against the normalities of life. Within this phase, the progress broadens itself and allows an even wider focus towards the futurous plan. These motives either depend on the previously defined goals, but may even exist without relation or respondence of these since their role is more important and more creative than the original set of rules applied by the goals. All of these two phases lead to the final stage where goals and motives become visions. These visions serve as expectancy for my personal future. How I see myself and my role for society, the work done in the past and the reference to my personal satisfaction can be found here as well as my most monetary and fundamental thoughts concerning the progress and advancement of my life. All these phases may exist under several topics - i.e. societal, financial, emotional, educational, or sacret themes, and each of these individual strings serve as a root towards the overlaying vision of the future.
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