Political Scream

For the upcoming elections in Germany, this result shows a clear direction of my most recent test on Wen-Waehlen.de. In contrast to my previous results from the more simply constructed Wahl-O-Mat, the test by Alvar Freude does not ask about only 30 thesis, but 54 scaled statements which have been previously given a special accent based on my personal fields of interest.

I suppose this rather detailed test explains my personal stance towards the CDU/CSU and FDP coalition. It took me approximately 20 minutes to fill out the entire rating questionaire, and I received a much more biased result than the “Wish-Wash” result of Wahl-O-Mat. The rather funny remark here is that the Left-Wing party was on top. Its nice to know that these semi-radicals are on top - even if I don’t favorize nor approve this popularistic party.

[via Golem]

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