Tag Archiv für 'mail'
Themen: Techstuff, Internes. 02.03.2006, 14:39
Ich wunderte mich schon gestern, warum ich nicht bei neuen Kommentaren wie normalerweise üblich eine E-Mail Benachrichtigung erhielt. Ich dachte, es läge entweder an den Einstellungen der User/Gruppe des Webservers oder daran, dass ich direkt den Mailserver in Wordpress konfigurieren müsste. Im Prinzip ist folgendes bei HostEurope wichtig, und ich zitiere mal für alle aus der FAQ im Adminbereich:
Soll über PHP eine E-Mail versendet werden, muss mit dem Parameter “-f” eine gültige Absenderadresse angegeben werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese E-Mail-Adresse innerhalb des WebPacks angelegt sein muss! Die Syntax lautet “-f absender@hier-bitte-ihren-domainnamen-einsetzen.de”. Fehlt diese Information kann kein Mailversand erfolgen und die mail()-Funktion liefert eine Fehlermeldung.
Dieser Parameter muss der E-Mail-Funktion im PHP-Quelltext übergeben werden. Dies könnte z.B. so aussehen:
mail ($empfänger, $betreff, $nachricht, $headers, “-f absender@hier-bitte-ihren-domainnamen-einsetzen.de”);
Prädikat: Hilfreich! Man muss nur in der Datei wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php die mail()-Funktion der function wp_mail() nach obigen Beispiel ändern und alles ist in bester Ordnung. Problem: Bei einem neuen Update von Wordpress wird die Änderung mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wieder überschrieben, und man wundert sich erneut, daher:
Alternativ können Sie, statt Ihre Skripte umzuprogrammieren, im KIS eine Adresse als Standardadresse auswählen, die dann immer automatisch eingesetzt wird, wenn Sie keine andere Adresse per “-f” erzwingen. Die Auswahl treffen Sie unter “Administration -> Webhosting -> *Ihr WebPack* -> Skripte -> Standard-eMail-Adresse”.
Prädikat: Perfekt. Für etwaige Datei-Upload Probleme wie die Bilder oder ähnliches zu einem Artikel sollte man auch nicht vergessen, das Upload-Verzeichnis mit zumindest CHMOD 755 auszustatten… ansonsten liefert Wordpress da einen Schreib-/Lese-Zugriffsfehler.
Themen: Sammelsurium. 10.12.2005, 20:18
Some people who are trying to use Google are usually drawn in some way to my site. Indeed the Google Search Index has covered my blog in depth, however some of the people who visit this site are absolutely stupid. I am not some Google Support guy who’s giving out GMail invitations to anyone, and I am not going to help these nonsense people who can’t use a real name, who can’t use a real email address for me to get in contact with them, and who can’t understand that this post was not about inviting freaks at all. Fortunately, it gives loads of incoming visitors who are probably clever and intelligent people - clever enough not to leave stupid comments! :P
Themen: Spam, Politik. 12.09.2005, 20:01
The CSU, one of Germany’s major political parties, announced to use e-mail advertisement to gain more votes. I think that’s nothing else but spamming the people with political propaganda. Not only the idea is most stupid due to the advantages of technology to determine and detect spam, but the impersonal manner of connecting their major candidate, Edmund Stoiber, with the people is a sapping task.
According to Blog4Berlin, the CSU will not rely on the rather traditional methods of posting bills and holding enunciations. Instead, they prefer to use more modern advertisements in their canvassing for Germany’s election on next weekend. Approximately 300.000 e-mails and several thousand voice-mails will be sent throughout the country.
[via Wirres, Spreeblick]
Themen: Spam. 08.09.2005, 10:56
This is truely an amazing SPAM mail, and I’d love to share this one. How stupid are people that they truely believe this email is for real and not fake? I believe there are several thousands of them who click the links in the email… and as if Microsoft themselves gave such instructions! (typos and errors included)
From : microsoft.com
Sent : Thursday, September 8, 2005 7:24 AM
To : ***@hotmail.com
Subject : Secure your pc, your website for a better protection!
The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool checks Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 computers for and helps remove infections by specific, prevalent malicious software.including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom. When the detection and removal process is complete, the tool displays a report describing the outcome, including which, if any, malicious software was detected and removed. The tool creates a log file named mrt.log in the %WINDIR%\debug folder.
This tool is not a replacement for an anti-virus product. To help protect your computer, you should use an anti-virus product.
Download The Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool by following the link found in this e-mail and you get a free-trial of EXCHANGE SERVER 2003 !!!
Exchange Server, the Microsoft messaging and collaboration server, is software that runs on servers that enables you to send and receive electronic mail and other forms of interactive communication through computer networks. Designed to interoperate with a software client application such as Microsoft Outlook, Exchange Server also interoperates with Outlook Express and other e-mail client applications.
Yeah right, as if one would get such nice freebies from Microsoft! I’d love to receive a free copy, but … haha, this is way too funny! Stupid spammers, stupid exploiters, stupid dialers, stupid… people?
Themen: Techstuff. 26.08.2005, 14:05
No more invitations, no further posts questions about having another 50 free invitations. The internet got freed from Google’s webmail service GMail. The Googleopus allows anybody to get a GMail account by confirming you are a “real person” via your mobile phone. GoogleVideoPhone as next after GoogleTalk?
[via GoogleBlog, Basic Thinking]
You will not receive an invitation to GMail from me. You can do whatever you want, but you won’t get one. I will not help you, I will not support you because I’m not some Google Support guy. And if you want something at all, leave some correct and realistic email addresses for me to get in contact with you, or nothing (NOTHING!) will happen.