Tag Archiv für 'Music'

iTunes Setup

What a jolly event! I’ve delved into the rich diversity provided by music players! From now on, I’m going to run the iTunes software package on my laptop. I figured I’d have to challenge Katharina in coordinating our nightly music session. In fact, I’m missing a few songs which I’ve loved and enjoyed to hear in the past - and her iPod needs some emergency updates sooner or later. There’s a ton of CDs to be updated…

At the moment, I’m all about to install the latest edition of Apple’s iPod supremacy software. So far, there’s been no trouble and everything was alright. Time to reboot and pray… :)

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Mixed Tape 09

It was time to download the current compilation of the Mercedes Benz Mixed Tape. As far as I can tell, the music does not satisfy me as it should, but we’ll see how they’ll compile the next album.

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Mein Name ist Mike Schnoor und ich präsentiere dem frivolen Internetuser ein erstklassig privat geführtes Medienblog. Die Themen siedeln sich zentral in der Medienwelt an: Web 2.0, Weblogs, Video on Demand, TV, Radio, Print, Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.

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