The Show
September 4th, 2005This main category is named The Show. This is not an ongoing striptease, but the area where two people have their thoughts about themselves and their life. This is truely an egoistic, paraneual and symbolic area. First of all, one major category about myself is considered to be the Ego-Mania - the title says it all. However, Party Radar covers the more or less recent reportings of what I do at night - if it’s worthy to be published online, and Philosophy covers some deeper thoughts and leaves them burried. One by now most important category is Relationship to summarize thoughts about love, life and the woman and her boytoy. Further, Travels includes anything that is about traveling this planet - true, there’s currently an intensive lack of content. As next, some temporary categories such as Abspecken, Media-Cast and Music Clash may exist there. The first category is solely written in German and explains my continuous withdrawal from food, fatness and unhealthyness, and the second one is about anything I do with video editing and publishing, while the last is a semi-existent category for Music. I can already expect a “Books” and “Movies” category there…
- I’ve made it! January 22nd, 2006 23:19
- Konstanz August 31st, 2005 12:40
- Die letzte Woche… August 28th, 2005 12:43
- Da war doch was… August 19th, 2005 02:38
- Der vierte Tag August 16th, 2005 04:50
- Grillzeit August 14th, 2005 14:46
- Diät Tag 1 August 12th, 2005 01:12
- Versprochen ist versprochen! August 10th, 2005 22:16
- Current Situation: We are evil… February 10th, 2006 23:10
- NFL Superbowl XL February 4th, 2006 08:33
- Battlestar Galactica February 1st, 2006 12:51
- Die Sat1 Recherchearbeit January 30th, 2006 12:38
- Content Thief January 29th, 2006 22:09
- Lateintest January 26th, 2006 11:45
- Männercontent January 26th, 2006 08:43
- 5 Minutes January 24th, 2006 23:52
- So sein wie David Hasselhoff January 21st, 2006 22:32
- Taten des Tages January 20th, 2006 15:30
- Merken January 18th, 2006 09:48
- Bleiben wir noch Jung und Frisch? January 18th, 2006 09:35
- Nachtkommentar January 13th, 2006 00:32
- Amazing Discoveries January 12th, 2006 23:51
- Willkommen im Leben January 4th, 2006 20:36
- Zukunftsprognose Weihnachten December 22nd, 2005 06:25
- Temporary Theme Test December 20th, 2005 11:40
- Tim Berners-Lee Weblog December 19th, 2005 21:55
- Abendstimmung December 14th, 2005 22:39
- Handball-Abend December 13th, 2005 22:31
- Kein Wham zum Fest December 12th, 2005 12:55
- RSS Opml Update December 12th, 2005 11:28
- Kampf gegen das reguläre Praktikum December 5th, 2005 12:38
- DSDS - Comedy pur Round 3 November 23rd, 2005 21:34
- Männerphantasien November 23rd, 2005 21:04
- Cocktail: El Dragón Dirtilla November 19th, 2005 22:49
- Cocktail: Darkness November 15th, 2005 23:19
- Killerspiele November 14th, 2005 22:31
- Back! November 8th, 2005 20:20
- DND - diseased and nearly dead November 6th, 2005 18:32
- Ebay Verkäufer October 25th, 2005 11:41
- Buy me as Mr. Money Maker! October 25th, 2005 08:10
- Fun stuff October 23rd, 2005 20:08
- I’ve been “Off Time” October 19th, 2005 08:15
- Notice to Myself October 8th, 2005 11:08
- Hurra! Du bist Deutschland… September 29th, 2005 23:54
- Spam Karma 2.0 September 29th, 2005 23:06
- The Eco-Center of September 25th, 2005 12:39
- They got me! September 24th, 2005 20:40
- Shopping 2005: Men and Women versus GAP September 23rd, 2005 23:36
- Maybe… September 20th, 2005 07:40
- Der Tag danach… September 19th, 2005 19:48
- Word of the Day: Ekim September 16th, 2005 23:30
- Kommentar-Troll der übelsten Sorte September 16th, 2005 12:45
- New PC? Time for “World of Warcraft” September 14th, 2005 13:08
- Sundays: The Boredom of Life September 11th, 2005 10:37
- Time to vote September 7th, 2005 07:28
- Sunshine Summertime September 6th, 2005 14:53
- The Neighboring Girl August 29th, 2005 22:51
- Movie Takes in Flensburg August 27th, 2005 01:32
- Auskurrieren August 19th, 2005 23:27
- Arrival August 10th, 2005 22:04
- Off and Away! August 10th, 2005 13:55
- First-Timer August 3rd, 2005 10:37
- We’ve got Bar! August 1st, 2005 13:12
- We’re back on the net! July 28th, 2005 13:25
- Potentes Grünzeug… July 26th, 2005 16:45
- Der liebe Sparmarkt July 23rd, 2005 15:17
- Schreiben wir oder schreiben wir nicht… July 22nd, 2005 08:02
- Nachmittagspause July 19th, 2005 15:45
- Knubbelinfo July 11th, 2005 14:49
- Mir ist schlecht… July 4th, 2005 10:59
- Behörden, Parkplätze & Probleme June 30th, 2005 13:31
- Umzugsresume June 25th, 2005 20:25
- Current Situation June 24th, 2005 23:33
- Status of Mind June 22nd, 2005 14:17
- Rückmeldung, Einladung June 18th, 2005 21:33
- To be completed and done… June 14th, 2005 12:55
- Mein Beschluss des Tages June 10th, 2005 14:45
- Thunderstorm June 7th, 2005 11:20
- My devilish cousin June 4th, 2005 19:05
- Fight for your Rights! May 31st, 2005 11:47
- The Summer May 27th, 2005 18:43
- Unorganized Desktops May 18th, 2005 22:15
- Impressions from the Rum-Regatta May 8th, 2005 15:40
- Rum-Regatta in Flensburg May 7th, 2005 14:20
- Rum-Regatta in Flensburg May 7th, 2005 14:20
- What happened? May 6th, 2005 09:10
- Feeling Free April 30th, 2005 10:35
- Allergic Syndrome April 28th, 2005 11:50
- Reality vs. Anonymity April 27th, 2005 13:20
- Recovery April 26th, 2005 09:00
- Whatever is on my mind… April 20th, 2005 22:35
- Time for “Angrillen” April 18th, 2005 19:10
- This morning… April 18th, 2005 08:30
- Bible-Boys vs. “It’s our Saturday!” April 16th, 2005 10:22
- Tiredsome April 14th, 2005 22:00
- An economics afternoon? April 8th, 2005 16:25
- Forgotten E-Mail about Chinese Names April 7th, 2005 12:35
- Lost Portemonnaie March 31st, 2005 19:35
- Straight on the Nerve March 31st, 2005 10:45
- Sporty Bunny March 27th, 2005 10:50
- Easter Eggs March 25th, 2005 11:05
- Spring 2005 March 21st, 2005 09:25
- Der Tag March 7th, 2005 12:36
- Mysteries March 4th, 2005 13:30
- Illness Overload March 1st, 2005 09:55
- The Weekend February 27th, 2005 13:05
- She February 13th, 2005 22:30
- Saturday Night Life February 5th, 2005 10:25
- A Special Winter Time January 25th, 2005 10:20
- Wakeup Call January 23rd, 2005 11:50
- Being the Sichelputzer January 19th, 2005 22:55
- Restoration and Exercise January 9th, 2005 01:40
- Sleepless Moments January 6th, 2005 00:10
- Blogospheric Lovetainment January 5th, 2005 01:20
- Partnerblogging: Kolossal - Phänomenal January 4th, 2005 00:35
- Der Alltag January 3rd, 2005 12:20
- Professional Partner Blogging January 2nd, 2005 00:15
- Partnership Horoscope December 30th, 2004 15:55
- City-Death December 28th, 2004 05:25
- Posting #100 December 27th, 2004 16:40
- Flensburger Life December 27th, 2004 03:50
- The little Bush and the Sandpit December 26th, 2004 22:10
- Weihnachtspost December 25th, 2004 14:00
- Frohe Weihnachten December 24th, 2004 15:05
- Weihnachtswünsche für Bloghof… December 24th, 2004 00:50
- Blog-Upgrades December 23rd, 2004 14:50
- Individual Existence December 22nd, 2004 01:40
- Citystress und Rumgerenne December 20th, 2004 18:30
- Silvesterplanung und Spieleabend December 20th, 2004 00:15
- Weihnachtseinkäufe December 18th, 2004 18:55
- Themenlosigkeit December 16th, 2004 21:45
- Macker und Miezen December 16th, 2004 21:40
- Taktierung December 7th, 2004 11:25
- Die richtige Stoßtechnik December 7th, 2004 11:15
- Singled-Out-By-Enforcement Woman December 5th, 2004 18:50
- Seelenstriptease mit Coming-Out December 3rd, 2004 13:15
- Mmmmh… December 2nd, 2004 23:30
- Kerzenlicht December 1st, 2004 22:00
- Begriffsanalyse NTS - TNS November 30th, 2004 10:50
- Sprücheklopferei beim Hundewetter November 29th, 2004 21:15
- Aktuelle Lage zur sonntäglichen Existenz November 29th, 2004 01:48
- Neue Abendgestaltung November 27th, 2004 18:20
- Graue Wolkenlandschaft November 27th, 2004 14:05
- Fotokrank! November 27th, 2004 11:46
- Me Encanta! November 24th, 2004 12:10
- Tag November 23rd, 2004 20:50
- Gleichartigkeit November 22nd, 2004 19:00
- Restoration of my Mind November 22nd, 2004 00:35
- Rampage for a Call of Duty November 20th, 2004 00:55
- Die kalte Jahreszeit… November 17th, 2004 22:50
- Was war, was wird! November 15th, 2004 00:30
- Sunday Skirmish November 14th, 2004 17:50
- Return to my Castle November 14th, 2004 03:45
- Alkoholikanismus November 13th, 2004 22:00
- Planungsphase Samstagabend November 13th, 2004 13:25
- Masochistische Tagesplanung November 13th, 2004 12:30
- Afterlife at Night November 13th, 2004 01:45
- Auf auf ins neue Glück! November 12th, 2004 20:05
- Wirkungsgrade von Frauen August 15th, 2004 18:30
- 25 Fragen July 20th, 2004 20:15
- Eine ruhige Nummer January 12th, 2004 17:35
- Restart 2004 January 5th, 2004 17:45
- Locker Bleiben December 26th, 2003 12:10
- Party On December 25th, 2003 20:20
- Weihnachten - Der Heilige Abend December 24th, 2003 23:05
- Die Horror-Skopie eines Wassermanns December 22nd, 2003 18:45
- Wir Fangen An! December 11th, 2003 13:10
Media Cast
- DSDS: Die neue Runde der Hackfressen November 19th, 2005 22:25
- Mike’s new favorite… October 22nd, 2005 09:28
- Backup your VoIP Calls: HotRecorder October 11th, 2005 20:21
- Movie Takes in Flensburg August 27th, 2005 01:32
- Media Cast - Das Erste Mal July 18th, 2005 11:13
- MediaCasting? June 14th, 2005 11:08
- Google Video January 25th, 2005 11:40
Music Clash
- Mottoshow 6: Nummer-Eins-Hits February 17th, 2006 20:53
- Bundesvision Song Contest 2006 February 9th, 2006 20:34
- iTunes Setup February 6th, 2006 19:31
- Flensburg und die Raubkopierer Szene December 16th, 2005 09:25
- Abendstimmung December 14th, 2005 22:39
- DSDS - Comedy pur in Runde 4 November 26th, 2005 22:26
- DSDS: Die neue Runde der Hackfressen November 19th, 2005 22:25
- Deutschland sucht den Superstar November 16th, 2005 21:25
- Kampfansage an Sony BMG November 16th, 2005 12:13
- Mixed Tape 09 October 9th, 2005 11:21
- Daniel Küblböck - König von Deutschland? September 27th, 2005 23:15
- Mercedes Benz: Mixed Tape 8 July 26th, 2005 17:52
- 6th Mixed Tape March 31st, 2005 10:50
- Mercedes-Benz: Mixed Tape February 18th, 2005 20:00
Party Radar
- Current Situation: We are evil… February 10th, 2006 23:10
- Cocktail: Green Jojo February 10th, 2006 21:32
- Hinweis in eigener Sache February 1st, 2006 13:24
- Cocktail: Fruchtalarm January 21st, 2006 21:14
- Weihnachts Resume December 25th, 2005 11:35
- Cocktail: Destroshake December 13th, 2005 22:27
- Cocktail: Cherry Rush November 28th, 2005 22:08
- Cocktail: Chichi Girl November 26th, 2005 23:04
- No more Closing Time! November 24th, 2005 11:09
- Cocktail: Darkness November 15th, 2005 23:19
- Cocktail: Green Swampwater November 14th, 2005 23:38
- Halloween Party Photos October 31st, 2005 17:20
- Halloween Party October 29th, 2005 17:15
- Bar in Light October 11th, 2005 20:56
- San Francisco - This is KatContent September 26th, 2005 11:32
- Bloggerwahlparty September 18th, 2005 15:19
- Wassersport in Flensburg August 19th, 2005 23:27
- After-Party-Reminder August 19th, 2005 11:41
- Grillzeit August 14th, 2005 14:46
- Timeout August 13th, 2005 03:59
- We’ve got Bar! August 1st, 2005 13:12
- Party Taken July 30th, 2005 03:33
- Beam me down! July 23rd, 2005 09:14
- Weitersagen: Kurzfilm Abend July 7th, 2005 13:51
- Rum-Regatta in Flensburg May 7th, 2005 14:20
- Rum-Regatta in Flensburg May 7th, 2005 14:20
- En route by bus April 23rd, 2005 18:00
- Insanity March 28th, 2005 22:20
- Party Plan January 21st, 2005 12:30
- Felix’s Birthdayparty January 16th, 2005 12:45
- Happy New Year 2005 January 1st, 2005 18:40
- Cuddling Service December 30th, 2004 03:10
- Endphase: Silvester December 28th, 2004 14:55
- Crazed Nightowls December 28th, 2004 02:20
- Konsum December 17th, 2004 15:40
- VWL - Die Versuchung und das Experiment December 14th, 2004 00:45
- Las Fotos de la Fiesta de Navidad December 11th, 2004 22:01
- Fiesta de Español December 10th, 2004 20:35
- Powered Out December 4th, 2004 18:05
- Ausgepunscht! November 26th, 2004 17:30
- Punschum! November 24th, 2004 17:20
- Eine komplexe Wattführung November 18th, 2004 18:40
- Der Wattführer November 15th, 2004 23:25
- Alkoholikanismus November 13th, 2004 22:00
- More than Ready January 14th, 2004 13:30
- Bowling for Flensburgine January 9th, 2004 09:25
- Myam@City January 1st, 2004 13:25
- Weihnachten - Warm-Up December 23rd, 2003 16:10
- Pre-X-Mas Gelage December 21st, 2003 00:30
- Feuerzangenbowle December 19th, 2003 10:20
- Kastenleeren December 14th, 2003 22:15
- Jammed FL December 13th, 2003 20:25
- Punschum December 12th, 2003 17:40
Philosophy Corner
- Romance August 14th, 2005 22:04
- Dimensions of Culture April 23rd, 2005 09:50
- References for Knowledge March 5th, 2005 18:40
- Wiser Ignorance March 5th, 2005 18:20
- Ignorant Fools March 5th, 2005 18:05
- Emotional Response March 5th, 2005 17:34
- Real Peaceful Means February 19th, 2005 11:10
- Me and my day February 19th, 2005 11:05
- Von Liebe und Partnerschaft January 12th, 2005 16:13
- Future Visionary January 7th, 2005 14:20
- The Religion Behind Me December 23rd, 2004 02:40
- The Ideal Understanding December 23rd, 2004 00:00
- Meerschweinchen Alarm February 14th, 2006 09:09
- Verwechslungsgefahr November 29th, 2005 18:29
- Vogelgrippe October 22nd, 2005 09:18
- Good Morning October 13th, 2005 07:25
- In Our Name October 5th, 2005 00:48
- The Return of the Kat October 2nd, 2005 19:44
- Duties of a Homemaker: KatContent September 27th, 2005 15:45
- San Francisco - This is KatContent September 26th, 2005 11:32
- The Simple Life September 13th, 2005 23:15
- 8.30 in the morning September 13th, 2005 08:33
- Distanced Silence September 5th, 2005 08:51
- Love and Illness… August 21st, 2005 19:21
- Time Differences August 16th, 2005 05:00
- Kuschelzeit August 9th, 2005 09:56
- Lovable August 6th, 2005 22:56
- Arrival August 10th, 2005 22:04
- Los Diablos August 5th, 2005 09:50
- The Daily Show in Griebenow August 2nd, 2005 17:04
- Back home! March 23rd, 2005 21:25
- The second week in Berlin March 15th, 2005 16:35
- Berlin Fotos March 13th, 2005 14:20
- Toxic Alcohol March 11th, 2005 20:40
- Evening Hours March 11th, 2005 19:05
- Berlin - Day 3 March 11th, 2005 14:53
- Berlin from an AOL Access Point March 10th, 2005 11:20
- Roadtrip March 9th, 2005 10:35
- Off to Berlin March 9th, 2005 08:20